Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Wildly Delightful Cottage Garden

I often admire this large cottage-style garden on Old Eustis Road when I drive by, but it was this stunning display of rich purple Mexican Bush Sage in bloom that caused me to stop and capture it on film.

However, the photos are not the same as seeing it in person. The homeowner told me she had grown weary of dealing with the issues of St. Augustine grass, and has instead turned her garden over to a plethora of year round, blooming perennials.
It's wildly delightful . . . don't you think?

In true cottage style, there are many whimsical features located throughout the garden. This rustic chair . . .  in the process of being overtaken by a vine is one of my favorites. It's just so Florida . . .yes, Florida!  After a long, hot summer of wild growth, most of our plants can begin to take over the garden, too.  I personally hope she doesn't shear it back.

Along with countless numbers of perennials, there are also roses. What cottage garden would be complete without roses. In this case . . . the Knock-out variety, which is well-suited for Florida.

And, of course, there are pathways. Oh, how I love pathways! Shall we? Let's go!

This beautiful angel birdbath adds a touch of romance. Love how she's surrounded by Wendy's Wish Salvia and Blue Plumbago.  

The side garden is enclosed beautifully with varying shades of green for privacy. All those textures and colors are a feast for the eyes.  

And, what cottage garden is complete without a house . . . or two, or three . . .  for our feathered friends.

You don't often come across a labrynth in the garden in which to stroll through meditatively. She has created one in the shape of a heart, which goes along quite nicely with the gigantic heart shaped leaves in the background.

I only wish you could take a sniff of these white spiky blooms on the Sweet Almond bush. They fill the garden with a wonderful scent.

Here's one more look at the rich purple flower spikes of Mexican Bush Sage. They're beautiful swaying in the breeze. 

And, speaking of spiky . . . this variegated Agave is one tough, drought-tolerant plant and it looks pretty, too. Here it is surrounded by the Mexcan Bush Sage and orange Firecracker plant on the left and a red Bottle Brush tree and ornamental grass on the right. All drought-tolerant and Florida-Friendly plants. 

This free-spirited gardener creates her magic by weaving a quilt of perennial beauty that changes with the seasons. After driving by this garden often, I'm so glad I stopped and finally got to explore all the hidden gems tucked into this large cottage-style garden.

Permission granted by the homeowner October 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Tropical Get-Away

Heron Cay Lakeview Bed & Breakfast located on Old Hwy. 441 just outside of the downtown area has a very large and tropical-style garden. What a beautiful view from the highway looking into the property.

It's not hard to see why they were chosen as the "Garden of the Month" by Lakes & Hills Garden Club.

Randy and Margie are the owners of this beautiful Inn and property. I caught Margie working in the garden on the day I stopped to ask if I could photograph it. She graciously agreed and even stopped what she was doing to give me a tour of the backyard. I think you'll agree with me that she's definitely got a green thumb.

Mass plantings of various species . . . Purple Queen also referred to as Purple Heart Wandering Jew, Bromeliads and Frangipani's (Plumeria) . . . fill in large areas of space in front of the Inn. 

The backyard is where it really gets tropical. Surrounded by numerous Queen Palms, Hong Kong Orchid trees and citrus trees, the pool area feels like a private tropical oasis for their guests. 
That stunning, red blooming plant pictured above is Brazilian Red Cloak. Undaunted by several mild winters, it has grown into a gargantuan and gorgeous specimen. It's absolutely stunning! Don't you agree?

Wouldn't you love to relax around this pool which is surrounded by so many tropical beauties? What a wonderful place to relax. 

Another specimen of the Brazilian Red Cloak looks fabulous behind the Queen Emma Crinum and the Rosemary. Lots of wonderful textures and varying leaf color in this garden bed. 

Here's a very unique species of Orchid trees which actually grows more like a cascading shrub than a tree.

There's even a bit of garden art in keeping with their waterfront location. Very clever!

What a great Autumn view off the back porch of the Inn

It appears as though the Brazilian Red Cloak looks great paired up with a number of our Florida-friendly plants. The variegated Shell Ginger just shines next to it and the surrounding green foliage. Beautiful combination!

 I mentioned before that they have several varieties of citrus including Honeybells and Key Limes, but there's also numerous pineapple plants growing on the grounds. The variegated pineapple produces bright pink ornamental fruit, while the standard green provides fresh pineapple for the guests.

This highly fragrant tropical beauty is yellow Frangipani, also referred to as Plumeria. 

This Inn is located close to downtown and even comes with its own secret "Pathway to Town." How cool is that!

What an inviting pathway for their guests to explore as they head to town. I'll bet it's really cool to walk this lit path after dark.

Thank you Margie for the tour. It was a total delight! She even shared a cutting of that wonderful Brazilian Red Cloak with me . . . she definitely has the generous heart of a gardener. 

Click here to visit the website for Heron Cay Lakeview Bed & Breakfast . . . and keep this place in mind when you have out of town guests visiting.

Permission granted by homeowner October 2013